Why I am never happy doing what I do?

First things first.

The inspiration for this post is PV, a colleague who stated a few things about happiness randomly last week. I cannot name him/her as I do not have the permission as of now.

Forgive me for making this article sound philosophical but philosophy is one of the subjects I am interested in.

The following lines about happiness are mostly stolen from a TV series but I agree with almost all of the lines. And it is also one of the many reasons I try to be on my toes and sometimes keeps me up at night.
Enough backstory.

What's happiness? It's the moment before you want more happiness. You're happy because you think you're successful, only for now. You won't settle for 50% of anything, you want 100%
You don't want most of it, you want all of it
And I won't stop until I get all of it.

If I were happy with what I do why would I want things to change?
And when change is not demanded is progress possible?
I don't think so. Do you?

I hope I am never happy with what I do and the way I do it so that I keep looking for better stuff and maybe improve a few things around me if its found to be executable at my organisation.

I would like to know if you hunt for happiness in your work.

Thanks for your time.


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